LinesMan - PC/Mac based innovative software presenting historical map data on a modern digital platform 

Battlefield tour guides, schools, academics, family historians, researchers, museums, as well as individuals are purchasing LinesMan and finding it to be an invaluable tool for studying the Great War and for planning trips to the battlefields where it can be used on a mobile device whilst traversing the Western Front. LinesMan has also proved invaluable in the research and recording of several TV programmes relating to the First World War.

What some customers are saying about it "absolutely indispensable" ... "a great piece of kit" ... "just got mine - superb" ... "the tool every Great War battlefield guide should not be without" ... "invaluable tool for research into battles" ... "highly recommended for anyone wanting to bring what is now just a field back to life" ... "brilliant bit of kit" ... "we don't go anywhere without ours" ... "invaluable from a family history point of view - it enabled me to track the final days of my ancestor" ... "I had my linesman since the early days and wouldn't be without it" ... "a great tool for the visitor, guide or researcher. I recommend this product wholeheartedly" - "I am beyond  impressed it is fantastic!" 

Visit  for more information on their range of products and the pre-loaded GPS enabled tablet, LinesMan2Go!